disembodied pilot?



Nov 20, 2005 17:19:32
could a Brain in a Jar (from Libris Mortis) pilot a spelljamming vessel?


Nov 21, 2005 9:48:01
Can psi-like abilities power a helm like spells can?


Dec 17, 2005 9:45:48
i would allow a psion of eqaul level to a wizard or cleric be the pilot of a SJ, his powers come from within(if i can recall my psionics correctly) so he is more like a sorceror from that regard only.

as for the brain in a jar, i would say no as the sense of where you are in relationship to everything around you comes form your other senses, that and the fact that the book says its an undead type....maybe if you had a special helm created just for this type of pilot, it might be able to be done.

if i can recall, there was a SJ helm that was able to be used by undead but i could be wrong


Dec 17, 2005 17:12:20
None of the helms cared about your biology.
However, some of them required unusual biology.

Ilithid Pool Helm for example.

There was a helm that ran off undead creatures, but a regular helm just cared that you were a spellcaster.