Darksun MUD information.



May 24, 2006 10:47:25
Hey all! I'm back and I've got my mud (multi-user dimension) back up and running. It's a massive multiplayer online game in Alpha stages that will support many players when we open for beta testing. We've recreated many parts of Athas so far. The city-state of Urik, and the city-state of Draj. Tyr is also half-way complete with the traderoutes in between the three cities. We have much more work to be done and are looking for anyone who is familiar with mudding to come have a look.

We can teach our OLC (online creation) pretty easy, it's a very simple system of building areas/rooms/objects for the world. So come take a look, it's going to be a great game when we open!

Our webpage is

We are running on port 5040 to connect.

Founder of DS MUD