* * * Wizards Community Thread * * * -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Thread : Translations Started at 11-01-06 01:35 PM by Wilhelm_ Visit at http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?t=731957 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [Post 1] Author : Wilhelm_ Date : 11-01-06 01:35 PM Thread Title : Translations Hi guys! I'm posting this new version of the list of translated words of the Savage Coast (and some of the Known World) :) Words marked with * aren't canon; Translations between # are the canon ones. Possible corrections are indicated with { }. ******VERDAN****** -IMMORTALS *A Sereia = The Mermaid, the Siren (a.k.a. Calitha Starbrow) *O Mercador = The Merchant (a.k.a. Asterius) O Embaixador = The Ambassador (a.k.a. Masauwu) O General = The General (a.k.a. Thor) A Juíza = The Judge (a.k.a. Tarastia) Milano = Milan (a.k.a. Mealiden Starwatcher) Valérias = Valerias Fanha = Vanya -------------------------------- DOMÍNIO DE VILAVERDE = Dominion of Vilaverde (Vila verde meaning "Green village") -SETTLEMENTS Porto Preto = Black Port Cafundo {Cafundó} = Middle of nowhere (Bantu origin) Torre do Perdão = #Tower of Mercy# *Torre do Perdido = #Tower of the Lost One#, Tower of the Doomed Bastião das Tartarugas [colony] = #Bastion of the Turtles# Terra Leãoça [colony] = Lion-Jaguar Land +Rocha dos Gatos = #Rock of the Cats# +Três Corações = Three Hearts +Espora-Verde = Green Spur +Postera {Póstera} = Posterior +Mina Solferina = Solferino Mine (OR Sulfur Mine) Babosas = from the popular portuguese last name "Barbosa", that means "place with many Capim-Barba-de-Bode (Cyperus compressus)" -GEOGRAFIC FEATURES AND BATTLE SITES Baia {Baía} dos Porquinhos = Bay of the Little Pigs O Grande Escarpamento = #The Great Escarpment# Escolhos = Rocks, reefs Ponto Piratas {Ponta dos Piratas} = Pirates' Point, Pirates' Cape *Batalha de Burdouro = Battle of Golden Burg, #Battle of Burdür# *Batalha de Porto Preto = (Naval) Battle of Porto Preto -------------------------------- ESTADO DE TEXEIRAS = State of Texeiras (from the popular portuguese "Teixeira", that means "place with many Teixos (Yew)") -SETTLEMENTS Boa Mansão = Good Mansion *Senzala = House (Bantu origin; Old name of Boa Mansão) Vila Franca = Franc Village Porto Punhal = Port Dagger Velha Navalha = Old Razor *Villa Naval = Naval Village (Ispan/Spanish origin of the modern name "Velha Navalha") -GEOGRAFIC FEATURES AND BATTLE SITES Baia {Baía} da Sereia = #Bay of the Siren#, Bay of the Mermaid ("Bahía" (Galician) could also be used instead of "Baía" (Portuguese); The best translation for "Siren" in portuguese/galician is "Sirena") Cabo dos Cães = Cape of the Dogs Cabo dos {do} Caos = Cape of the Chaos *Batalha de Vila Franca = (Naval) Battle of Vila Franca -------------------------------- PROTECTORADO DA PRESA = Protectorate of Presa (Presa meaning "Fang") -SETTLEMENTS Porto do Sul = South Port Torre Cruzada = Crossed Tower Praça Forte de Texeiras = Stronghold of Texeiras Solidão = Loneliness Poracá = ***SEE JIBAR NAMES*** Minas da Opala = Opal Mines Minas da Silva = Mines of Silva (from Thyatian/Latim, meaning "wood, forest") OR Silver Mines -GEOGRAFIC FEATURES AND BATTLE SITES Cabo das Baleias = #Cape of the Whales# Ilhas Gémeas = #Twin Islands# -------------------------------- COLÔNIAS DE IALÚ = Yalu Colonies -SETTLEMENTS Porto Escorpião [colony, Vilaverde] = #Port Scorpion# Porto Maldição [colony, Vilaverde] = #Port Malediction# +Mato Grande = Overgrowth bush *Colônia do Chifre [colony, Texeiras] = #Colony of the Horn# +Bom Jardim = Good Gardem +Fortaleza da Boa Vista = Fortress of the Good Sight Preuve [colony, Renardy] = Proof (Renardois/French) -GEOGRAFIC FEATURES AND BATTLE SITES *Estreito de Ialú = #Strait of Yalu# *Baía de Ialú = #Yalu Bay# *Baía das Penas = #Bay of Feathers# *Pântano Podre = #Rot Swamp# Cabo do Macaco = Cape of the Monkey *Ilhas do Tridente = #Trident Isles# *Baía do Tridente = #Trident Bay# *Baía das Lágrimas = #Bay of Tears# *Pântano Cinza = #Grey Swamp# *Planícies do Vento = #Wind Flats# *Terra do Mosquito = #Mosquito Land# *Terra das Dunas Móveis = #Land of the Shifting Dunes# *Plantação = Plantation *Caatinga = ***SEE JIBAR NAMES*** (marked at the map as "The Horn") -------------------------------- *BARONATO DE MAGALHÃES = Barony of Magalhães [Includes all the Yalu Colonies, AC 1020] -SETTLEMENTS Província de Escorpião = Province of Scorpion +*Porto Abençoado = Blessed Port [new name of Porto Maldição] +Mato Grande = Overgrowth bush +Porto Escorpião = Port Scorpion Província Valeriana = Valerian Province +*Vila Valeriana = Valerian Village (new name of Preuve) +*Mina Rica = Rich Mine Província do Novo Pampa = Province of New Pampa (Pampa meaning "Grassland") +*Estâncias = Cattle Farms Província do Chifre = Province of the Horn +Bom Jardim = Good Gardem +Fortaleza da Boa Vista = Fortress of the Good Sight -GEOGRAFIC FEATURES AND BATTLE SITES *Novo Pampa = New Pampa (Grassland) -------------------------------- TERRA VERMELHA = #Red Land# -SETTLEMENTS Mina do Sul = #South Mine# Mina do Norte = #North Mine# Campo-Ladrão = Thief's Camp Campo dos Ogros = Ogres' Camp Antro do Dragão = #Dragon's Den# -GEOGRAFIC FEATURES AND BATTLE SITES Serra Sanguinea {Sanguínea} = #Bleeding Mountains#, Hills of the Blood -------------------------------- *CANAL DE ADÁQUIA = Adakkian Sound -SETTLEMENTS *Porto Cabinda [colony, Vilaverde] = Port Cabinda (Bantu origin) *São Paulo [colony, Vilaverde] = Saint Paul *Beira [colony, Texeiras] = Shore *Porto Santuário [colony, Texeiras] = Port Sanctuary +*Torres Novas = New Towers -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [Post 2] Author : Wilhelm_ Date : 11-01-06 01:37 PM Thread Title : Translations The smallest part of the list :) (Oiobá is the yavi people that founded the Dominion of Tanaka) Words marked with * aren't canon; Translations between # are the canon ones. Possible corrections are indicated with { }. ******OIOBÁ****** DOMINION OF TANAKA -SETTLEMENTS *Adetokunbo = The crown came from over the sea (Old name of Velha Navalha) -------------------------------- YAVDLOM -GEOGRAFIC FEATURES AND BATTLE SITES Ekundayo (Island of) = Sorrow becomes joy -------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [Post 3] Author : Wilhelm_ Date : 11-01-06 01:40 PM Thread Title : Translations Words marked with * aren't canon; Translations between # are the canon ones. Possible corrections are indicated with { }. ******JIBAR****** (This is a rather speculative list, considering Jibar is the mystaran version of Tupi-Guarani linguistic group.) JIBARÚ = Great Chief's Tomahawk, "Great Chief's Warriors" ("Ji" means Tomahawk and "Mbaru" means Great Chief) -SETTLEMENTS Itucuá = Lake of the Waterfall ("Itu" means Waterfall and "Cuá" means Lake, Bay or Hole) Ajumá = Yellow (from "Ajubá") Araí = Tempestuous (from "Arani") Cafuá = Palm tree (from "Camuá") Cana-Uí = Old-#Soul#, "Venerable Forest Soul", "Venerable Ordana" ("Iu'Kan" means Old) Cuiribá = Many Tails ("Cui" means Tail and "Tiba" means Many) Curú = Child (from "Curumim") Irixumá = Walk with legs (instead of gliding), "Hunters-on-foot" ("Iri" means To Return and "Etuma" means Leg) Ji-Tapará = Swallow-Tomahawk, "Winged Warriors", "Gliding Warriors" ("Ji" means Tomahawk and "Taperá" means Swallow) Ixui-Biá = #Land#-Person, "Phanaton Land" ("Mbiá" means Person) Maraá = Rattle (from "Maracá") Marau-Purú = #Mother#-Navel, "Terra's Navel" (from "Puruã") Poracá = Good House ("Pora" means Good and "Oca" means House) -------------------------------- -GEOGRAFIC FEATURES AND BATTLE SITES Jururú (River) = Melancholic, Sad Xingá (River) = Clean Water, Good Water (from "Y'Ikatu Xingú") Acua-Uí (Forest of) = Great-#Soul#, "Ordana, the Great Forest Soul" ("Açu" means Big, Great) Parau-Ixá (Hills of) = Angry-Fellow ("Parahy" means Angry and "Apixá" means Fellow) Urú (Battle of) = Mouth (from "Yurú/Urú") Uatuma-Ijú (Battle of) = #Huntsman#-Spear, "Zirchev's Spear" ("Ijú" means Thorn) *Caatinga = White Woods ("Caa" means Woods and "Tinga" means White) ------------------------------- -IMMORTALS, CREATURES AND PEOPLE Uí = #Soul#, "The Soul of the Forest" (from "Uyanga"; a.k.a. Ordana) Marau-Ixuí = #Mother#-#Earth# ("Arya", "Mama" means Mother and "Iwi" means Land; a.k.a. Terra) Uatumá = #Huntsman# ("Uya" means Arrow and "Púra/Awa" means Person; a.k.a. Zirchev) *Iara = Mother of the Waters (a.k.a. Calithia) *Tupã = Thunder (a.k.a. Thor) *Guaraci = Sun (a.k.a. Ixion) *Jaci = Moon, wife of the Sun (a.k.a. Valerias) *Anhangá = Revengeful Spirit (a.k.a. Mealiden Starwatcher) *Rudá = The one that brings joy to the forest (a.k.a. Faunus) *Boitatá = Fire Snake ("Mboi" means Snake and "Tata" means Fire) *Curupira = Body of Child ("Curumim" means Child and "Pira" means Body) *Caipora = Jungue Dweller ("Caá" means Jungue and "Pora" means Dweller) *Saci-Pererê = Jumping Sick Eye ("Esá" meaning Eye and "Cy/Asy" meaning Sick; "Pererek" meaming To Jump) *Ipupiara = Long creature of Iara OR Inside of the Realm of Iara ("Ipu'ku" meaning Long/"Ipupe" meaning Inside and "Iara") Barana-Uí = #Orchid#-#Soul# ("Deboterame" means Flower) Uriji-Xuú = #Forest#-#Whisper# ("Yw" means Tree and "Yurú/Urú" means Mouth) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [Post 4] Author : Wilhelm_ Date : 11-01-06 01:41 PM Thread Title : Translations Last updated list Done with Giampaolo Agosta And special thanks to Thorf! :) Words marked with * aren't canon; Translations between # are the canon ones. Possible corrections are indicated with { }. ******ISPAN/ESPA/BELCADIZIAN****** -IMMORTALS *La Sirena = The Mermaid, the Siren (a.k.a. Calitha Starbrow) *El Mercader = The Merchant (a.k.a. Asterius) El Embajador = The Ambassador (a.k.a. Masauwu) El General = The General (a.k.a. Thor) La Jueza = The Judge (a.k.a. Tarastia) Milán = Milan (a.k.a. Mealiden Starwatcher) El Sol = The Sun (Ixion) Ixión = Ixion Valérias = Valerias Faña = Vanya La Inquisitora = The Inquisitor (a.k.a. Vanya) Nuestra Señora de la Vittoria = Our Lady of the Victory (a.k.a. Vanya) -------------------------------- BARONÍA DE NARVAEZ = Barony of Narvaez -SETTLEMENTS Puerto Morillos = Port of the rural houses Ciudad Quimeras = Chimeras Town Alma Vegas = "Alma" means Soul; "Vega" means fertile land Los Peregrinos = The pilgrins Paz del Sol = Peace of the Sun Punto Escobar = Escobar point (Escobar is an spanish last name that could be translated as "to sweep") Puente Guadiana = Bridge over Guadiana (River) Castillo Blanco = White Castle Castillo de los Hidalgos = Castle of the gentlemen Montoya = Popular spanish last name with basque orign; Alternatively it could be translated as "Mont" or "Small Mount" and have the same origin of "Montejo" Marino = Marine, of the Sea -GEOGRAFIC FEATURES AND BATTLE SITES Rio Guadiana = Guadiana River (Guadiana means "Rio Ana" (Ana River) in Ylari/Arabic (Guad (River) + Ana)); Could also derive from "Los Guardianos", thus meaning "River of the Guardians" Colinas Grutescas = Grotesque Hills Guadalimas = Probably means Rio Lima (Lime River) -------------------------------- BARONÍA DE TORREÓN = Barony of Torreón (Turret) -SETTLEMENTS Ciudad Morales = Morales Town (Morales being a spanish last name, meaning simply the plural form of "Moral") Ciudadela de León = Lion's Citadel El Lugar = The Place Puebla de Alcázar = Alcázar Village (Alcázar meaning Fortification, from the Ylari/Arabic word "Al-Qsar") Pueblo Real = Royal Village Chiquitin = Very little Villa Vieja = Old village Las Chambas = The Works Las Guajacas = Apparently a corruption of the word "Oaxaca", which is itself another corruption of the Nahuatl "Huaxyácac", place of Lead trees Castillo Grande = Big Castle Fortaleza = Fortress Torres Calientes {Cálidas} = Hot Towers Bastion de los Cabaleros = Bastion of the Knights Casanegra = Black House Torre del Duende = Tower of the Elf or Tower of the Goblin (Duende is an generic Portuguese/Spanish name for demi-human/goblinoid/fey creatures) Torre Cristobal = Cristobal (Christofer) Tower Los Elegidos = The Chosen Ones -GEOGRAFIC FEATURES AND BATTLE SITES Rio Frio = Cold River Rio Fangoso = Muddy River Rio Torrientes = Torrents River Rio Tuntos = Tuntos River La Pineda = Pine Woods Las Ciénagas = The Fens Las Rocallas = The Small Rocks Llanos Verdes = Green Plains La Escarpadura Grande = #The Great Escarpment# -------------------------------- BARONÍA DE GARGOÑA = Barony of Gargoña -SETTLEMENTS Ciudad Real = Royal Town Las Navas = The Marshes Castillo de Pardalupe = Pardalupe Castle (Pardo means Brown; Lupe could either means Hidden (from Ylari/Arabic) or Wolf (from "Lupus" Thyatian/Latim; Thus, it probably means "Brown Wolf" or "Brown Lupin") Rivera = Shore -GEOGRAFIC FEATURES AND BATTLE SITES Isla del Cayo = Reef Island, Key Delta de Pozaverde = Delta of Green Puddle Bosque de los Ojos = #Forest of the Eyes# -------------------------------- BARONÍA DE ALMARRÓN = Barony of Almarrón (that possibly derivates from "Al-Marwa", the Ylari/Arabic name of a fragrant plant) -SETTLEMENTS Ciudad Tejillas = Tejillas Town (Tejilla can be a diminutive form of "Teja", Tile; Also can be another way for refering to currency; Non-canon: The true origin of the name is that it was built over the site of the ancient Otzil (Oltec) city of Tehil) Costella = Rib Paso Dorado = Golden Passage Castillo de Tordegena = Castle of Tordegena (that possibly means "Tower of Gena") El Grande Carrascal = The Great Carrascal (place with a great number of Carrascas (Holm Oak)) Buenos Vientes {Vientos} = Good winds Sierra Desperada = Outlaw Hills Nueva Esperanza = #New Rope# Escudor = Related to Escudo (that means Shield) Sotto = From Soto, which is the woods along rivers -GEOGRAFIC FEATURES AND BATTLE SITES Sierra Borgosa = Leafy Hills Sierra del Plata = Silver Hills La Pampa Calavera = Skull's Grasslands -------------------------------- BARONÍA DE SARAGÓN = Barony of Saragón (possibly S + Aragón) -SETTLEMENTS Ciudad Matacán = Matacán Town (Matacán means "Dog Killer") Las Manadas = The herds Paso del Rey = King's Passage Torre de Manzanas = Tower of Apples Torre de Tolón = Tower of Tolón (from Nahuatl Tolon(Tula), meaning "place of cattails") -Montejo = Possibly means "Mont" or "Small Mount" -Aranjuez = One possible origin is the Ylari/Arabic name "Ibn Arankej" (place with a great number of nogales (walnuts)) -GEOGRAFIC FEATURES AND BATTLE SITES Morrión (Battle of) = Helmet upper part, old spanish helmet with prominent upper part Cortesillas (Battle of, Treaty of) = Little Court Rio Maldito = Cursed River Rio Copos = Cups River Bosque de las Sombras = Shadows Woods, #Forest of the Phantoms# -------------------------------- BARONÍA DE GUADALANTE - Barony of Guadalante (that could be "Guad al-Ante", Rio Ante (Ante River)) -SETTLEMENTS Ciudad Huelca = Huelca Town (Huelca (a.k.a. Merluza) means Hake fish) Dos Cabezas Hacienda = Two Heads Ranch Copetez = From Copete (Tuft) Bigotillos = Little Moustaches -GEOGRAFIC FEATURES AND BATTLE SITES La Pampa Rica = The Rich Grassland Rio Negro = Black River -------------------------------- PRINCIPADO DE BELCADIZ - Principality of Belcadiz (possibly from taymoran/phoenician "Baal Gadir", meaning "Lord of the walled city")) -SETTLEMENTS Nueva Álvar = #New Alvar# (Alvar could have the same origin of Álvaro, the gothic name Alewar (guard of all)) Alhambra = Red Castle (Ylari/Arabic) Monteleone = Mount Lion (Thyatian/Italian; Actually it should be Monteleón in Belcadizian/Spanish) Salotas = Unknown meaning *GRAN CONDADO DE NUEVA ISPAÑOLA - Grand County of Nueva Ispañola (New Ispañola) -SETTLEMENTS *Ciudad Florida = Flowered Town *Puerto Margarita = Daisy Port *Puerto Segundo = Second Port *Fortaleza Vittoria = #Fortress of Victory# *Torre de Gregório = Gregory's Tower -GEOGRAFIC FEATURES AND BATTLE SITES *Colinas Negras = #Black Hills# -------------------------------- *BARONÍA DE SANDOVAL = Barony of Sandoval (means "San do Val", or Saint of the Valley) -SETTLEMENTS *El Puerto del Lobo = Port of the Wolf *La Roca = The Rock -------------------------------- *REDUCCIÓN DE NOMBRE DE IXIÓN = Mission of Nombre de Ixión (Ixion's Name) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Downloaded from Wizards Community (http://forums.gleemax.com) at 05-10-08 09:31 AM.