Various SJ Thoughts



Sep 08, 2003 14:20:38
I thought I should mention a little something real quick, as I think I may have come across wrong on the other thread on SJ3e.

Once in a while, someone will mention a sourcebook for SJ, and I think I get a bit...passionate about it all.

Really, I do wish there were a 3e sourcebook for SJ that would bring together both Classic SJ, Spider Moon, and offer some new ideas as well.

I don't want anyone getting the wrong impression that I don't support the guys at Beyond the Moons or Mark's Shattered Fractine sites. They're both great sites, and they have done so much for SJ fandom. I still remember the high I got when I first discovered Beyond the Moons. I used up all the paper at work printing stuff off. If I did come across as not being supportive, I do apologize.

I think that I have what a friend of mine calls a "spectator's interest" in SJ. I love the concept, the ships, the funky aliens, etc. I'm a bit indifferent on the setting itself. To be honest, there really isn't a SJ setting, and maybe that's for the best. Maybe SJ should be more of a tool. *shrugs*

I have my own sort of vision for SJ. The more I think about it, though, the more I think it would work best as a separate setting.

If I ever did run SJ, I'd probably do something akin to Treasure Planet (which is one of my favorite movies), add in some classic SJ elements as well as some Spider Moon elements, perhaps use Airships' ship rules, and call it done.


Okay, I'm rambling now. Just sharing some thoughts.

Anyway, just wanted to share some of my thoughts.