Scifi in Ravenloft



Apr 25, 2004 19:13:53
I'm going to be running a very unusual game over the summer that will be modeled after Aliens/The Thing and I decided that Ravenloft works best for a horror setting, even if it is a scifi one. I am also going to be using the d20 Modern rules since they handle automatic weapons and other futuristic/modern weaponry better.

However, at one point I plan to bring them out of their own little slice of Hell and into Ravenloft as a whole. In particular, I plan to have our intrepid space marines walk into a duststorm on Mars and arrive on the beaches of Dementlieu.

Several issues arise with this, though:

1) Major NPCs: What advanced classes should I use for Dominic d'Honaire? What about other Ravenloft personalities?

2) Lack of advanced firearms: If a character specializes in a particular gun, what should I do when they inevitably run out of ammo?

3) What would be a good way to describe the gradual transition from Mars (lower gravity, low oxygen, dry, cold, duststorm) to Dementlieu (normal gravity, normal oxygen, moist, fair, foggy)?

Help is appreciated.


Apr 26, 2004 0:38:56
Like nothing I've done before...but I've got some thoughts for that!

1) Use the stats as given in RL. A will save is a will save, and BAB is BAB right? I can't imagine it being worth the effort to restat everyone in RL with basic and advanced classes from a system that isn't designed to handle "the modern world".

2) As a judge I'd make a big deal about running low on ammo! No easy outs for the PC! Nothing is scarrier than the thought of loosing "your edge". Who knows what pacts such a person might make in desperation??? Can you see this: "Pshah, I'm from the future you bumpkin. And an aethiest to boot. Sure you can have my soul if you can really reload my gun." Bwah-hahahahaha!!! Its part of the RL world that there isn't the ability to suport that level of tech. Don't make his PC worthless but not being able to use your best stuff all the time is a staple of horror.

3) How about burried alive by a dust storm with the weight of the sand crushing them down with its weight. Its hard to breath. Then they can wake up/crawl out of the sand on the beach while a "weird" pseudo-victorian boy goes about making sand castles. OR leave the gravity/air alone but send them to Bluetspur instead first to contend with the illithid realm.

-Eric Gorman


Apr 26, 2004 3:07:15
Originally posted by HvF
Like nothing I've done before...but I've got some thoughts for that!

1) Use the stats as given in RL. A will save is a will save, and BAB is BAB right? I can't imagine it being worth the effort to restat everyone in RL with basic and advanced classes from a system that isn't designed to handle "the modern world".

Mmm...I think he would actually be MORE powerful if I made him into a Modern character. Giving him access to feats such as Frightful Presence and classes such as the Opinion Maker (non-magical charm person!) seems more fitting than just leaving him as an Aristocrat.

2) As a judge I'd make a big deal about running low on ammo! No easy outs for the PC! Nothing is scarrier than the thought of loosing "your edge". Who knows what pacts such a person might make in desperation??? Can you see this: "Pshah, I'm from the future you bumpkin. And an aethiest to boot. Sure you can have my soul if you can really reload my gun." Bwah-hahahahaha!!! Its part of the RL world that there isn't the ability to suport that level of tech. Don't make his PC worthless but not being able to use your best stuff all the time is a staple of horror.

Well, as a STrong hero who also carries around a gigantic warmaul, I'd say he'll be far from worthless. However, he's also likely to be nerfed somewhat because his Soldier specialization was in an RPK light machine gun.

However, I had not considered exactly the lengths he might go to to get more ammo if the situation arises. Thanks, I love the idea of a gun-running demon.

3) How about burried alive by a dust storm with the weight of the sand crushing them down with its weight. Its hard to breath. Then they can wake up/crawl out of the sand on the beach while a "weird" pseudo-victorian boy goes about making sand castles. OR leave the gravity/air alone but send them to Bluetspur instead first to contend with the illithid realm.

-Eric Gorman

I like that idea, with them being buried. That would make things very interesting and have a moment of dramatic tension as they wonder whether they will survive, coupled with a complete anticlimax as they emerge from their sandy chrysalis onto the sunny beach. I will have to use that.

As for Bluetspur, I already have plans for that. If/when they ever return to Outpost Zero, since it's the only place with a climate even remotely similar, it will form a cluster with Bluetspur.


Apr 26, 2004 14:50:10
A few final thoughts:

A hadn't realized you wanted to make Dominic *more* powerful. On some level I'm still not sure that's needed since the Dark Lords generally serve more as plot hooks/devices than actual combat figures. Dominic isn't a combat figure anyway. My own leanings world be to build the story and have Dom cause to happen whatever needs to happen in the storry. Assuming you keep Dom as the actual DL. I like to play out the game in Dementlieu one step further and pick someone else (on the Council of Brilliance) to be the true DL using Dom as an "obediant" aristocrat who "appears" to be the power behind the throne (PCs then don't know who the true DL is even OOC).

Your PCs are going to have to a lot of talking when they get there. Hope there is a charismatic hero in the group. Unlike the typical group of powerful outlanders who occasionally turn up in RL your PCs will be (1) obviously more advanced than Dementlieu(the most adavanced in the Core) and thus a threat to its place of "leadership" (2) and the source of their power is open to anyone. Unlike the decades of research it takes to become an archmage in theory even a commoner 1 could learn to pull the trigger of their weapons. To stave off unrest or revolution presumably Dominic (and the council of brilliance) will want the PCs secretes & tech for themselves. Perhaps desperately. They won't be alone.

Surely Jackie and Ivana (and especially Ivan and Drakov) would beome "interested" if they learn of the PCs. If the PCs become sensations there no reason they wouldn't. If Drakov looks like he might have a chance of gaining great aditional power Azalin might stir and take note. If Azlin gets involved Strahd won't be far behind.... many bullets do the PCs have again?

-Eric Gorman


Apr 26, 2004 18:08:56
Originally posted by The_Fan
2) Lack of advanced firearms: If a character specializes in a particular gun, what should I do when they inevitably run out of ammo?

Ths is the perfect time to let a feeling of dread come into the game; let them run out of ammo! One of the recommend techniques of Ravenloft is to sometime inhibit a character's abilities. Gives the adventure a bit of a " I'm a little worried...." feels!


Apr 28, 2004 1:28:27
In general Modern characters tend to be more powerful in certain ways than D&D characters. And I seriously think that it should be a possibility for a group of battle-hardened level 6 space marines to take down a darklord, particularly one who isn't as combat-oriented as Dom. Of course, if they do, that means the Brain moves up to take his place...

You'e right, I shouldn't pull my punches. If they squander ammo when they know they might not be able to get any anytime soon. And if they start to manufacture it, they're going to draw the notice of some very powerful people...I like your ideas of who said powerful people should be, I was just limiting myself to Dom and the Brain

However, some more issues have come up:

4) Base corruption % per level: I just got the Ravenloft player's guide, and dang, that's rough. Assuming I use the rules for Fighters for our combat character, he would have a 30% chance at next level-up to spontaneously turn evil unless he did 29 selfless acts or more! Then it seems unfair to punish him and leave our healer and techie unscathed. How should I handle this new mechanic in Modern, or should I ignore it entirely?

5) Power checks: I'm wondering how to do power checks without them getting suspicious? It'd be hard to explain suddenly running on all fours in terms of scifi.

any suggestions for those two issues?


Apr 28, 2004 4:30:46
Sure. For me this turning into a fun intellectual exercise.

4) I don't use the base corruption index. At least a vocal few here have also expressed the same outlook. Its new to the 3.5 edition and not really supported by older products. I don't use the druidic corruption bit either in sinkholes . . . in fact I didn't buy the 3.5 update (oooppps). I liked the RLCS book alot and didn't feel I really needed any help converting the material to 3.5 (or that the new material like power checks for leveling or using tensers floating disk were worth acquiring).

Look. IMO as a judge you should have some idea of whether or not any given PC is on a slippery slope before worrying about mechanics of powers checks. Use the mechanics you think up consistently, in the name of fairness, but feel free to change or alter the crunchy bits to fit your take on RL.

For example, for some acts of ultimate darkness I don't even roll - stuff just happens. If a PC wants to sell his granny into slavery so he can afford an elaborate ruse to gaslight his wife into commintting suicide because he want to run off with her best friend . . . leave the dice where they - are the DPs are already speaking to me about your future. Conversly if your 6th level gun bunny goes out of his way to do the right thing, doesn't give in to anger or power trips or other grey behavior IMO he doesn't need a powers check. If he is somewhere in the middle maybe a small check is appropriate as a result of residual/marginal acts - but I tend to take the attitude of "pay as you go".

5) Well the mysterious is always "misterious". I think you have two ways to go. Option one: there is no explaination offered. Let the PCs come up with and test their own theories. If something juicy pops out of the fertile minds of your players then maybe plant some "red herrings" to reward creative thinking and let them think they're on to something. But of course any "conditions" they pick up don't respond to therapy the way they're supposed to. The downside of this is the players might think you're being arbitrary in picking on a single PC. Option two: unexplained phenominon. If the weird sandstorm is filled with purple light, or there is some terrible "rotting vegetation" smell that goes with it the PCs are almost certain to later decide:

"AHA! Clearly I have a viral/radiological/something mutation that has changed my body so i can run fast on all fours. How cool!" Followed a litter later by, "Look at that. Now my hands look a bit like must be slowly ongoing. I better do something about this."

This can be very entertaining but could have the downside of being frustrating for the PC who doesn't understand why he or she can't cure it with their advanced medical technology.

Hope that sparks your own creative juices.

-Eric Gorman


May 06, 2004 0:13:36
Not bad ideas at all. Anyway, I realized I misread the thing. It's a 5% chance at each level up to make a powers check to begin with (probably not too high on that one either, since it's just becoming increasingly callous), but it does make it very hard or even impossible for a high-level character to maintain Innocence.

You're right about the druid thing though, that's just wack. Good thing I don't have druids to worry about.