


Jul 21, 2004 10:33:38
Ok now is it that no matter what all sorcerers in DL are outlaws of the Towers? Or is there a way they can comform to the rules of the Towers so that they aren't hunted down? Also when they are hunted, are they supposed to be killed or what?

Last this really doesn't have to do with Sorcerers but what ever happened to Gilthanas??



Jul 21, 2004 10:37:30
There are rules in AoM that let socerers switch out levels for levels of wizard. Outside of that I think that would be the only the Orders would accept them.


Jul 21, 2004 10:52:22
They are considered renegades and I think now that the Orders have been re-established they will be hunted down.


Jul 21, 2004 10:59:07
Amaron you just have a post for everything don't you? I knew they were. I just wondered if besides changing all thier levels over if there was a way they could conform to the rules.



Jul 21, 2004 11:03:36
I think with the ToHS being weak as they are right now sorcerers don't have much to fear from Order wizards at this time. Later down the road is another story.


Jul 21, 2004 11:07:30
Thanks Sysane. I figured as much, but once again later down the road if Sorcerers are even around except as some big bad. Which i guess i could see being a whole set up for a Trilogy. I want Palin to have his magic back . Hmm oh well guess i gotta settle being a Wizard so as to be conducive of a long life ;)


Jul 21, 2004 11:12:56
Knowing how DL works. The sorcerers and the wizards will have a huge conflict but in the end come together to save Kyrnn from some greater threat. After they will live in some semblance of harmony or coexistence.


Jul 21, 2004 16:44:57
The sorcerers outnumber the wizards, its as simple as that right now. That may change with time, but this is how it stands.

I'd be more worried about like minded Sorcerers hunting down the Wizards... Knights of the Thorn anyone?


Jul 21, 2004 17:32:57
Nived, you have a point. Right now, it's the wizards that have reason to be afraid!


Jul 21, 2004 18:59:42
Again, none of you are addressing the question at hand.

So here goes.

No. They can't. The very magic they use is anathema and blasphemous to the WoHS.

The only way for a Sorcerer to "follow the laws of High Sorcery" is to NOT use Primal/Wild Sorcery.



Jul 21, 2004 19:02:38
Originally posted by TheRedRobedWizard

The only way for a Sorcerer to "follow the laws of High Sorcery" is to NOT use Primal/Wild Sorcery.

Right. The Orders would like you to convert over, thank you very much. That's the option. They're probably very keen for you to join their software development team, but you need to use the right operating system.



Jul 21, 2004 19:04:42
There are rules in AoM that let sorcerers switch out levels for levels of wizard. Outside of that, I think that would be the only the Orders would accept them.

I'm pretty sure I covered that with this post.

So yeah, I think that answered the question at hand as well. :D


Jul 22, 2004 20:11:44
Sorcerors? where? I'll kill them with my bare hands - which happen to be infused with my magic.

Renegades, what is this Primal magic? If it don't read it from a book, it's gotta die

Sorry for the random post, just felt like issuing innane chatter.


Jul 23, 2004 11:14:18
Sorcereres beware, the Orders have been reformed much to your dismay!


Jul 23, 2004 17:50:10
Yeah, all 16 of them... shake sorcerers shake...

I hope that Sysane is right about the wizards and sorcerers having to coexist, if only to watch Dalamar grind his teeth into nothing!


Jul 23, 2004 18:45:16
Amen Wizardman. I hope they do too, for two reasons, one I wanna see Dalamar unhappy as you do. And also I love sorcerers (go figure huh? ) And i agree those who think the Sorcerers need fear are fools. I mean Archmage may think he is all that and a bag of chips, but i can assure you he is just the bag of chips, and maybe some dip too.... prob a little salsa too. Anyways he and the other Wizards of Krynn(even though he isn't really a wizard in Krynn) should watch thier backs, while the Orders have been reestablished, it will take them time to grow to thier old glory days, meanwhile the sorcerers need no rules or orders... yet. But i do hope some rules eventually get set up for them... I miss Palin already :sad:



Jul 23, 2004 18:52:43
Okay, I'll admit that maybe in New Mexico there's a lack of oxygen and possibly a lack of water that makes you act this way, but honestly man, Don't make me teleport there and smack you around. I've read your "posts" and I'm honestly unimpressed, Amaron Blackthorn. Come back after you have something worthwhile to add.

I apologize for degenerating this board, everyone else please forgive me.


Jul 23, 2004 18:56:25
Also, Gilthanas is dead. Stop asking.


Jul 23, 2004 20:12:39
Originally posted by Theblackrobedarchmage
Also, Gilthanas is dead. Stop asking.

No, Gilthanas is still alive and working with Silvara to rally the Knights and elves against Frost and other Great Dragons. Check the DLCS. :-)

Matthew "The One at Fault" Martin


Jul 23, 2004 21:41:35
Originally posted by Green_Cloaked_Sorcerer
I hope they do too, {wizards and sorcerers having to coexist}

The White Robe I'm playing in Cam Banks' game has this exact idea. He basically thinks "Look, wild magic is here to stay, we're not going to get rid of it. We in the orders of High Sorcery have two options: we can either fight a long, bloody war that nobody will win, or we can engage the sorcerers diplomatically, helping them to regulate their power and establish rules in institutions like Palin's old Academy." He's pushing for Option B.

- Clark


Jul 23, 2004 21:52:25
Originally posted by clarkvalentine
The White Robe I'm playing in Cam Banks' game has this exact idea. He basically thinks "Look, wild magic is here to stay, we're not going to get rid of it. We in the orders of High Sorcery have two options: we can either fight a long, bloody war that nobody will win, or we can engage the sorcerers diplomatically, helping them to regulate their power and establish rules in institutions like Palin's old Academy." He's pushing for Option B.

And I keep giving him truly horrible examples of sorcerers...



Jul 24, 2004 0:09:44
Yes currently those types of spells fit a renegade. My favorite Renegade who chose Takhisis over Nuitari happens to be my name sake who was as or almost as powerful as Raistlin.


Jul 24, 2004 0:27:59
Originally posted by Galen Dracos
Yes currently those types of spells fit a renegade. My favorite Renegade who chose Takhisis over Nuitari happens to be my name sake who was as or almost as powerful as Raistlin.

Your namesake is spelled "Galan".

Uh....I should run now, shouldn't I? ;)


Jul 24, 2004 0:28:39
Yeah you're right I made a typo that I didn't realize until just now Doh!


Jul 24, 2004 4:36:07
Originally posted by Cam Banks
And I keep giving him truly horrible examples of sorcerers...


Such as? Just curious.


Jul 24, 2004 5:57:44
Originally posted by Wizardman
Such as? Just curious.

Turncoats, traitors, backstabbers, kidnappers, and only some of those are Thorn knights. His character hasn't really met a nice sorcerer yet.



Jul 24, 2004 10:19:40
So you intend on showing a decent sorcerer, or are they your foil for the campaign?


Jul 26, 2004 10:12:59
Originally posted by Serena DarkMyst
So you intend on showing a decent sorcerer, or are they your foil for the campaign?

I'll step out of the thread now...

- Clark


Jul 26, 2004 10:21:50
Originally posted by clarkvalentine
I'll step out of the thread now...

There's such a thing as a decent sorcerer?



Jul 26, 2004 11:04:02
Hey I'm a decent Sorcerer.... err i was until i bit that kids face off... yea i caught some hell for that one.... hmmm i guess you have a point Cam. Well there was Palin..... oh wait... umm good sorcerers, good sorcerers.... umm dang Cams right.



Jul 26, 2004 13:00:36
Originally posted by clarkvalentine
I'll step out of the thread now...

- Clark

Im sorry Clark......I didnt mean to ask something that would give away game info.....Sorry to you as well Cam......I wasnt thinking.....feel free to smack me over the bad guys.


Jul 26, 2004 13:00:55
Originally posted by Green_Cloaked_Sorcerer
Hey I'm a decent Sorcerer.... err i was until i bit that kids face off... yea i caught some hell for that one.... hmmm i guess you have a point Cam. Well there was Palin..... oh wait... umm good sorcerers, good sorcerers.... umm dang Cams right.


You're not that guy from Heroes of Sorcery who once wore white robes, but turned to sorcery in the Age of Mortals and now wears green robes, are ya?

What's his name....Finkle the Green? 'Cause I hear he went a little loco...


Jul 26, 2004 14:25:19
Originally posted by Dragonhelm

What's his name....Finkle the Green? 'Cause I hear he went a little loco...

That's that wild magic doing its thing again. See, when they all got excited 28 years after the moon gods had gone that they'd found this new sorcery magic, they didn't know what it would do to people over a period of time. It's a little like asbestos or Nutrasweet - fantastic discovery, unforeseen long-term effects...



Jul 26, 2004 17:34:31
What ever happened to the mages who used sorcery? Are they now banned from practicing the magic of the moon? Sounds kind of harsh to me.


Jul 26, 2004 18:38:25
No....the wizards who practiced wild sorcery during the early Age of Mortals are not barred from practicing moon magic.......for further info read Wizard's Conclave.


Jul 26, 2004 22:36:18
Originally posted by Cam Banks
That's that wild magic doing its thing again. See, when they all got excited 28 years after the moon gods had gone that they'd found this new sorcery magic, they didn't know what it would do to people over a period of time. It's a little like asbestos or Nutrasweet - fantastic discovery, unforeseen long-term effects...

Hell, look what it did to that poor Finkle chap. He's spouting bad poetry...

Once I wore robes of white,
But now I’ve seen
That Krynn cries for a champion
To make her green.
Tempered by sorrow,
I’ve learned a new knack;
Know that Finkle, now of Green Robes,
Has finally come back!


Jul 26, 2004 22:43:50
On another sarcastic side note:

After reading that poem there, posted by the one named DagronHelm (yes, I intentionally misspelled it), I pray for your death to come quickly and painfully to you.

Also, I reaffirm that Gilthas is dead, and there is no changing that fact.

Now, all you wild magic freaks clear out of my tower, you're smelling the place up a bit.


Jul 26, 2004 23:04:31
Originally posted by Theblackrobedarchmage
On another sarcastic side note:

After reading that poem there, posted by the one named DagronHelm (yes, I intentionally misspelled it), I pray for your death to come quickly and painfully to you.

Sorry, you're too late. I sacrificed myself this last weekend playing Heroes of Rokugan.

Shiba Kataro went out in a blaze of glory. *sniff*

By the way, the original poem is on page 86 of book 1 of Heroes of Sorcery. Even with my own powers of cheese, I couldn't create a poem like that! ;)


Jul 27, 2004 10:51:04
Sorcs suck wizards rule


Jul 27, 2004 11:32:36
Originally posted by TheRedRobe
Sorcs suck wizards rule

That sums it up for most people who prefer wizards over sorcerers. I would even say that the gods of magic feel the same way!


Jul 27, 2004 13:28:03
Originally posted by TheRedRobe
Sorcs suck wizards rule

While I would agree that Wizards of High Sorcery are the most popular of all Krynnish spellcasters (83% of people on a recent poll on the site said so), I would not go so far as to say that sorcerers “suck”.

The Wizards of High Sorcery tend to take on more specialized roles within the Dragonlance setting. There are several arcane spellcasting prestige classes, for example, that don’t fit them as well. For example, the arcane trickster.

Enter in the sorcerer. The sorcerer is your “everyman” spellcaster, not beholden to the gods or the Orders of High Sorcery. He can take those prestige classes that aren’t as good for wizards. He doesn’t have to have that single-minded dedication to magic, so it’s a bit more realistic for him to multiclass.

Plus, look at some of the options available to sorcerers in Dragonlance. Certainly, the Academy Sorcerer is a very cool prestige class. The arcane theses alone give it a cool factor. Or perhaps you’d like something a bit more covert. Enter the Legion Sorcerer.

And let us not forget dragon mages!

So while the Wizards of High Sorcery are quite popular, I wouldn’t dismiss the sorcerer so quickly. Between the available options and cool role-playing possibilities, a sorcerer may be an experience you wouldn’t want to miss.


Jul 27, 2004 13:48:12
Thank God I am not that crazy sorcerer. My last character was named Hephestus Orridan. He started out a sorcerer, then prestiged into the Half-Dragon from DMG. Well since he was Neutral the only neutral dragons are they Crystal dragons so i said f-that i'm going black, well.... to make a long story short, the black dragon evil blood drove him a little mad. One day he wandered off and foud two teens making out the one teen gave him **** and threw a punch, barely hurting me, and well I said after the second punch that was all i could take. I bit him in the face, got the roll on and still only did minimum damage, but it was still enough to kill a first level commoner.. Yea, well needless to say at this point most of the group, and local city... wasn't to happy with me. BUT lucky for me the black robe (my bro TBRAM) killed thier wizard who was like thier mayor so he was the acting judge and let me off. I still get **** for doing that... damn kids now adays getting lippy with half-dragons do they never learn?



Jul 27, 2004 20:19:10
What I would love to see is Palin return as a Sorcerer maybe after Usha dies. I would love for him to come to the aid of the sorcerers being persecuted by the Orders. He should feel some guilt afterall he did bring sorcery to the masses and then founded an Academy dedicated to teaching this "Lost Art" I would like to see him take a stand against the god's of magic on this one.
I understand he has been stripped of all his spells but that is just for High Sorcery not Primal Sorcery. One cannot have that ability taken away. He merely chooses not to use it because it is an affront to the god's of magic.


Jul 27, 2004 22:17:59
Originally posted by Koranith

I understand he has been stripped of all his spells but that is just for High Sorcery not Primal Sorcery. One cannot have that ability taken away. He merely chooses not to use it because it is an affront to the god's of magic.

No, the gods of magic took away his knowledge of how to cast sorcerer spells. He no longer has any ability to do so, and his effective caster level is 0. They brought him back to life; they could have done worse.



Jul 27, 2004 22:53:45
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. The idea of gods being able to strip away arcane magic is just silly. The fact that it is the wizard's power is pretty much what differentiates it from divine magic.

The way the conclave works, and the way it deals with renegades, makes much more sense if once those secrets are taught they cannot be simply taken back.


Jul 27, 2004 23:22:14
Although it doesn't come right out and say it, there is the implication in the Legends trilogy that wizardly power cannot just be stripped away by the Moon Gods ... otherwise Raistlin would not have been able to defeat all the Gods of Krynn in the alternate timeline visited by Caramon and Tas. So if the Moon Gods can't take away wizardly magic, how can they possibly strip away primal sorcery?

As to Palin's wild magic being stripped by the Moon Gods ... It makes much more sense for the Moon Gods to have just denied him the ability to use High Sorcery or that Palin just voluntarily foreswore the use of wild magic/primal sorcery. It really does NOT make sense otherwise, why?













If the Moon Gods can remove the ability of a mortal to use Wild Magic/Primal Sorcery, then why did they not do the exact same thing to Kalrakin, the BBES (Big Bad Evil Sorcerer) that tore the crap out of the Tower of Wayreth?


Jul 27, 2004 23:29:24
Originally posted by iltharanos
If the Moon Gods can remove the ability of a mortal to use Wild Magic/Primal Sorcery, then why did they not do the exact same thing to Kalrakin, the BBES (Big Bad Evil Sorcerer) that tore the crap out of the Tower of Wayreth?

Free will.


Jul 28, 2004 0:20:44
That doesn't make any sense. If the gods of magic believed in free will, we wouldn't have a conclave at all.

We don't have to ressurect this argument again do we? You know I'm right about this, and you'll know I'll win... again.

There is a reason renegade hunters have to imprison or kill wizards.


Jul 28, 2004 5:48:25
Originally posted by iltharanos
If the Moon Gods can remove the ability of a mortal to use Wild Magic/Primal Sorcery, then why did they not do the exact same thing to Kalrakin, the BBES (Big Bad Evil Sorcerer) that tore the crap out of the Tower of Wayreth?

Palin was resurrected from the dead by the moon gods and volunteered the abandonment of his wild magic talent. This combination of circumstances is fairly unique to him - in almost every other case, the gods of magic require their mortal agents to work against renegades and practitioners of wild magic. You'll note how prevalent wild magic seemed to be in the early chapters of Wizard's Conclave - it had spread to the point that the gods of magic were literally unable to exact major changes or bring their divine power to bear, so they're in the same boat as the other gods now. Use mortals to do their work, or continue to bang their deific heads against the brick wall of the cosmos.



Jul 28, 2004 9:00:08
they dident 'strip' him of his magic.

they juyst said he was going to stay dead unless he left it behind. Simple, no?


Jul 28, 2004 9:10:06
Originally posted by Katt Nightstalker
they dident 'strip' him of his magic.

they juyst said he was going to stay dead unless he left it behind. Simple, no?

Palin voluntarily gave his magic up.


Jul 28, 2004 9:57:10
Originally posted by Katt Nightstalker
they dident 'strip' him of his magic.

they juyst said he was going to stay dead unless he left it behind. Simple, no?

No....they didnt.....they offered him the magic back....Palin refused.


Jul 28, 2004 11:22:09
Keep Palin out of the sorcerers and the WoHS. All he ever did was whine!


Jul 28, 2004 11:53:03
Amaron you fool Palin did not do nothing but whine. sure he was pretty moody after being maimed and beaten and living in his own filth. I mean anyone would be. atleast he doesn't go around saying stupid things pointing out the obvious and making comments to every post on the forum.... umm i don't know where that came from:D. I have resepct for Palin cause he knew when somthing interfered with his life too much and when he was givin the chance i chose to give that up. I say go Palin, even though u were cooler in Summer Flame.


I am quite impressed how far this post has gone on though.


Jul 29, 2004 14:38:05
Whine Whine Whine. GCS. WHine Whine!

I think that he needs to stay away. His loyalties are too divided right now between family that he neglected and the magic he would embrace.