Quick Birthright gods questions



Nov 02, 2004 20:54:05
I don't have a copy of the old BRCS boxed set, so can someone field the following questions for me?

1) Did all the gods who died at Mt. Deismaar have listings that gave their portfolios, alignments, and divine levels (e.g. greater, intermediate, lesser, and demi-)?

2) Were there listings for Moradin, Cold Rider, and the two goblin deities (help on their names!) with the same information as listed above?



Nov 02, 2004 22:09:27
I don't have a copy of the old BRCS boxed set, so can someone field the following questions for me?

1) Did all the gods who died at Mt. Deismaar have listings that gave their portfolios, alignments, and divine levels (e.g. greater, intermediate, lesser, and demi-)?

2) Were there listings for Moradin, Cold Rider, and the two goblin deities (help on their names!) with the same information as listed above?


No. Just the new gods have portfolios.

However, since they are basic representations of their parent god(dess), they should basically be the same.

No info on the demi-gods, however. Just the human ones.


Nov 03, 2004 6:05:19
I've always thought that the non-humans gods were the same as they were on other worlds, so most likely the information on them is listed in other D&D books, I know for certain that Moradin was.

No information on the Cold Rider was released, although it was planned for a series of Shadow World adventures/sourcebooks that would have explored him in a little more detail.


Nov 03, 2004 18:01:27
Thanks for the answers. I had been wondering if the entries for Moradin, Kartathok, Torazan, and Cold Rider in the Birthright playtest campaign setting released over at www.birthright.net were based on printed products or not. It's too bad, since they seemed rather cool.


Nov 05, 2004 4:26:15
The gods info from the BRCS-playtest was based on as much published material as could be found. It was upgraded to 3.0 using Deities and Demigods format, etc.

A lot of info from Birthright was "missing" in the originally published material or just never worked out since the product line had its premature death. Hence the fan-based material put together to fill in the gaps - note that the novels and adventures were also used to help with filling things in.

The Original BR boxed set described some of the non-human pantheon as follows:


". . . ..The Monster Mythology accessory (DMGR4) provides useful information about the dwarven panteon and is suitable for Cerilia. Otherwise, consider dwarven priests to be standard clerics from the PHB."


". . .Kartathok is remarkably similar to the god Maglubiyet (found in DMGR4)"

The Cold Rider:

". . .Some people believe the Cold Rider is an awnshegh, while others aver that he is a god spawned by Azrai's destruction."

Powers of Darkness:

"Several of Cerilia's darker races have sought patronage from unique tanar'ri lords. These include Yeenoghu, the lord of the gnolls: Baphomet, the lord of the minotaurs; Kostchtchie, patron of the ice giants. Monstrous shamans from these races exist, but are extremely rare. Torazan, the orog deity, is believed to be a tanar'ri as well."

This is pretty much all that was written about the non-human deities. IIRC Moradin was also mentioned in the PS of Baruk-Azhik - but references there were consistent with his description in the Monster Mythology.

One thing to keep in mind is the BR was a very human-centric campaign. More so than any other one. Demi-humans were severly limited in their power-base domain wise.


Mar 14, 2005 10:45:55
Several races in Aebrynis worship awnsheghlin, instead of deities. Sahuagin, for example, worship the Kraken, as opposed to an actual divinity. I imagine there are tribes of orogs, goblins, and other primitive humanoids and monstrous humanoids that pray to an awnshegh, instead of a god or evil outsider.

--the Serpent, for example, is merely an awnshegh, yet it can grant cleric spells NB