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Air Machine Rules

by Aaron Nowack

Hello there Mystarans! This is a set of rules I've made up for mass aerial combat. Want to use it, forget it, give me rare Mystara stuff in appreciation :)? Feel free. Anyways, if you want to put it on your webpage, just give me credit. Now on to the Air Machine.

Step 1: Calculate the marines BR as described on p. 117-8 of the Rules Cyclopaedia (RC). The "mounted" modifiers do not apply.

Step 2: Determine the crew's BFR as described on page 117 of the RC. Ignore any crew who cannot fight because they are needed to control the skyship or other form of aerial transportation. Also determine the fleet's total hull points (HP).

Step 3: Determine the fleet's BR starting with the crew's BFR. Each time one of the following bonuses apply add one-tenth of the BFR as a bonus.

Artillery (any long ranged weapon other than missile weapons carried by marines or crew, for instance both dragon's breath and a catapult count as artillery)

a. if 20% of the fleet's total HP has artillery
b. if 20% of the fleet's total HP has magical artillery
c. if 50% of the fleet's total HP has artillery
d. if 50% of the fleet's total HP has magical artillery


e. if 20% of the fleet's total HP has magical defences
f. if 50% of the fleet's total HP has magical defences

Special movement

g. if 1% of the fleet's total HP has a form of special movement (ethereal travel, teleportation, etc.)
h. if 20% of the fleet's total HP has a form of special movement
i. if 100% of the fleet's total HP has a form of special movement

Step 4: Make an average of both BRs determined above. This is the final fleet BR.

Step 5: Resolve the combat using normal War Machine rules. The following additional modifiers apply.

+20 if the fleet's average manoeuvring factor is higher than the opponent's
+20 if the fleet's average air speed is faster than the opponent's
+20 if the fleet's average quality rating (if used) is higher than the opponents

Aerial Combat Results Table

Difference Ship Damage
Extra Casualties
1-8 0:5% ----- N:N
9-15 1%:10% ----- N:N
16-24 5%:15% 0:10% N:M
25-30 5%:25% 0:20% N:M
39-50 10%:30% 1/2x:20% M:S
51-63 10%:35% x:40% N:NF
64-80 15%:40% 0:30% N:NF
81-90 15%:50% x:50% N:MF
91-100 20%:60% x:60% N:MF
101-120 20%:70% 1/2x:50% M:SF
121-150 25%:80% 0:30% N:SF
151+ 25%:90% 1/2x:70% N:SU

W: winner; L: loser
%:the percentage of casualties in HP for ships and HD for living creatures
x: amount of casualties taken by opponent
N: No fatigue M: moderate fatigue S: serious fatigue
F: fleet retreats to home port U: fleet surrenders

Ship damage is percent of HP, Extra Casualties is percent of HD or levels on non-destroyed ships.

NOTE: For flying creatures, substitute HD for HP.