Faulty ordering of events: "Flaurmont 21, AC 1017: More Defenses for Helskir." should appear after "Flaurmont 20, AC 1017: Stop By at Gereth Minar." "Ambyrmont 9, AC 1017: ... Then a Flood!" should appear after "Ambyrmont 8, AC 1017: Cultists of Thanatos enter Ekto." Bad crossreferences: "Flaurmont 11, AC 1017: “It’s Alive…?”": "(See Nu. 1; Ei. 5.)" should be "(See Nu. 2; Ei. 5.)" "Flaurmont 27, AC 1017: Eusebius’s Ascension Celebrated.": "(See Va. 21; Ya. 3, Ya. 4.)" should be "(See Va. 21; Ya. 3, Ya. 6.)" "Yarthmont 27, AC 1017: Idris, Our Friend.": "(See Nu. 22, Th. 22; Ya. 27, Fe. 18.)" should be "(See Nu. 2, Th. 22; Ya. 27, Fe. 18.)" "Kaldmont 11, AC 1017: The Negotiation Begins.": "(See Ka. 4, Ka. 10; Kl. 12, Kl. 14.)" should be "(See Ka. 4, Ka. 10; Ka. 12, Ka. 14.)" "Kaldmont 12, AC 1017: The Negotiations Are Slack.": "(See Ka. 10, Ka. 11; Kl. 14, Kl. 17.)" should be "(See Ka. 10, Ka. 11; Ka. 14, Ka. 17.)" "Kaldmont 14, AC 1017: A Solution?": "(See Ka. 11, Ka. 12; Kl. 17.)" should be "(See Ka. 11, Ka. 12; Ka. 17.)" "Felmont 18, AC 1017: New Charges Filled.": "(See Kl. 20; Fe. 18, Am. 13.)" should be "(See Kl. 20; Fe. 18.)" "Felmont 18, AC 1017: Council Reconvenes.": "(See Kl. 20, Fe. 18; Am. 13, Sv. 12.)" should be "(See Kl. 20, Fe. 18; Sv. 12.)" "Ambyrmont 1, AC 1017: Another Volospin Sighting!": "(See Th. 14, Kl. 17; Am. 13.)" should be "(See Th. 14, Kl. 17.)" Misplaced text: Under Kameloth, NW the text "Also, even if not technically part of the dominion, the Strait of Todstein to the north has a bad reputation among the locals [and this is confirmed by the rumors about that place that circulate in the northern Duchy of Draken as well. Adik.]. It is believed that the Isles of Todstein and Graben were once inhabited by a fiendish necromancer that got blasted by the Immortals for the heinous crimes perpetrated on the folk living in those islands. Nowadays the isles are presumed deserted and the sailors keep away from the fog-filled area." should instead appear at the end of the "Do Miss" section of Ossian, NW. Incorrect atlas listings: Under Ersenbal, NW, "Government Type: County, member of the Norwold Confederacy." should instead be "Government Type: County." Under Denagoth, NW, "Grumann" should be spelled "Grumman" (the same as in the events) Under Kameloth, NW, "Government Type: Duchy, member of the Norwold Confederacy." should be "Government Type: Duchy, member of the Kingdom of Alpha, member of the Norwold Confederacy." Under Free Plains, NW, "Government Type: County, member of the Norwold Confederacy." should be "Government Type: County, member of the Kingdom of Alpha, member of the Norwold Confederacy." Under Ublaat-nor, NW, "Government Type: Barony, member of the Norwold Confederacy." should be "Government Type: Barony, member of the Kingdom of Alpha, member of the Norwold Confederacy." Under Vestland, OW, "Important Figures: Harald Gudmundson (King, human, male, F13)." should be "Important Figures: Bergthor Haraldson (King, human, male, F11), Harald Gudmundson (Former King, human, male, F13)." (the entry had been recopied verbatim from 1016, the fact that there was a new king not withstanding) Misspelled words, bad grammar, or incorrect phrasing are not mentioned in this erratum. Also, there may be additional mistakes that we have not detected.