The Mystaran Mapping Section.


I took a long time to find a programme which would allow me to draw maps in a TSR like style.The one i finnaly found was Grid Cartography.To use it one must first draw a set of hexes and then use them to fashion his map.Then once the map is finished (it's never really finished), Grid allows us to have it turn into a BMP format.Then with the help of paint shop pro or photoshop (the programs i use) i add the legend, scale and the like , and i choose a size for the map.

I have been using Grid for two years now and during that time I drew a lot of hexes, and composed a lot of settings, and of course a lot of maps.The old hexes and the olds settings and old maps will be made available in zip format and you would be able to open the maps through Grid (a copy of this program will also be available on my site).I must warn you that the first maps were drawn in a previous version of grid and so far i have been unable to correct them or to update them (i don't know why).Lately i drew a set of hex which would fit every setting.It would help you all to draw your own maps, and to add some hexes which you would have drawn to make it your setting.

My purpose is to make them available to people around the world, considering the difficulty of obtaining the original ones.But I also had a second idea in mind, that is developping unmapped zones of Mystara or at least to convert existing maps into the 8 miles per hex format.It requires a lot of work ,and I am also attending course of study at the University of Arts in Bordeaux (France) , so sometimes I do have time to draw the maps and sometimes I do not have time. But I will not abandon the task .


Grid Cartography Program. download 156K (with my first settings).
Latest Set of Hex. soon available 10K  *(look at how to process below).

* How to proceed with the latest set of hex:

Create a folder  in the Grid folder which you would name "yourchoice.set". Make sure you have put the extension ".set" because it particularise the setting folders. Then unzip the file you've downloaded in the setting folder you've just created.

You are now ready to map!!!