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by Matthew Levy

OD&D Skills --> AD&D Proficiencies

I have taken it upon myself to try to integrate the list of Mystara OD&D skills compiled by Anias Pasi a few weeks ago into the categories of non-weapon proficiencies provided in the AD&D PHB, as well as in the new Player's Option Skills and Powers Book. The list below is a rough draft and I think is the right approach to streamlining the large number of skills; but I am open to suggestions/criticisms from anyone who is interested in Mystara with AD&D rules.

Proficiency: cost rating ability
agriculture 3 7 Ig/Kn
 gardening 3 6 Dx/Aim, Wi/In
alertness 2 8 Wi/In
animal handling 3 7 Wi/Wp
 herding 3 6 Wi/Wp
 falconry 4 5 Wi/Wp
animal training 4 5 Wi/Wp, Ch/Le
beekeeper 4 5 Wi/In, Ig/Kn
boating 2 6 St/Mu, Ig/Re
brewing 3 8 Ig/Kn
 vintner 3 7 Ig/Kn
candlemaker 3 7 Ig/Kn, Wi/In
canvasmaking 3 6 Ig/Kn
carpentry 3 7 St/Sta, Ig/Kn
 bowyer/fletcher 5 6 Ig/Kn, Dx/Aim (Warrior)
 cooper 3 7 Dx/Aim, Ig/Kn
 shipwright 5 5 Ig/Re, Wi/In
 cabinetmaker 4 6 Dx/Aim, Ig/Kn
 wainwright 4 6 Dx/Aim, Ig/Kn
 pipemaker 3 6 Dx/Aim, Wi/In
cartography 4 5 Dx/Aim, Ig/Kn
charcoal maker 3 7 Ig/Kn, Wi/In
cobbling 3 7 Dx/Aim, Ig/Kn
cooking 3 7 Ig/Re
dancing 2 6 Dx/Ba, Ch/Ap
driving 2 7 Dx/Ba, Wi/Wp
 charioteering 4 5 Dx/Ba, Wi/Wp (Warrior)
engineering 4 5 Ig/Re, Wi/In
 architecture 3 6 Ig/Kn, Wi/In
 magical eng. 4 5 Ig/Re, Wi/In
 military 4 5 Ig/Kn, Wi/In
etiquette 2 8 Ch/Ap, Wi/In
fire-building 2 8 Wi/In, Ig/Re
fishing 3 6 Wi/In, Ig/Kn
florist 3 8 Wi/In
furrier 3 6 Dx/Aim, Ig/Kn
glassblowing 3 5 Dx/Aim
haberdasher 3 7 Dx/Aim, Wi/In
heraldry 2 8 Ig/Kn
jeweller 3 6 Wi/In, Dx/Aim
leather working 3 7 Ig/Kn, Dx/Aim
 saddle making 3 6 Ig/Kn
lumberjack 4 6 St/Sta, Dx/Ba
machinist 5 5 St/Sta, Ig/Kn
mathematics 3 6 Ig/Re
mental armour 3 N/A N/A
metalworking 3 7 Dx/Aim, Ig/Kn
 blacksmithing 4 6 St/Mu, Ig/Kn
 armourer 5 5 Ig/Kn, St/Mu (Warrior)
 weaponsmithing 5 5 Ig/Kn, Dx/Aim (Warrior)
 gunsmithing 5 5 Ig/Kn, Dx/Aim (Warrior)
 redsmithing 5 6 Ig/Kn, St/Mu (Warrior, Savage Coast only)
 locksmithing 5 5 Ig/Kn, Dx/Aim
 silversmithing 4 6 Ig/Kn, Dx/Aim
mining 5 5 Wi/In, St/Sta
modern language 2 9 Ig/Kn
monster lore 2 8 Ig/Kn
music 2 7 Ch/Le
 instrument 2 6 Dx/Aim, Wi/In
 singing 2 5 Ch/Le
 composition 3 5 Ig/Re, Wi/In
navigation 3 6 Ig/Kn, Wi/In
negotiator 4 6 Ch/Le, Wi/In
observation 2 7 Ig/Re, Wi/In
oil making 3 6 Ig/Kn, Wi/In
orienteering 3 7 Ig/Kn, Wi/In
painting 2 7 Dx/Aim, Wi/In
 housepainter 3 6 Dx/Ba, Ig/Kn
pilot (air) 5 5 Dx/Ba, Wi/In (Alphatians, Heldanners, Gnomes)
poetry 2 6 Ig/Kn, Ch/Le
pottery 3 7 Dx/Aim
psionic contact 2 9 Wi/Wp
riding (air) 4 5 Wi/Wp, Dx/Ba
riding (land) 2 8 Wi/Wp, Dx/Ba
ropemaking 3 7 Ig/Kn, Dx/Aim
rope use 2 8 Dx/Aim, Wi/In
saltmaking 3 7 Ig/Kn
sculpting 2 5 Dx/Aim, Wi/In
seamanship 3 8 Wi/In, Dx/Ba
shellworking 2 6 Dx/Aim, Wi/In
spinning 3 7 Ig/Kn, Dx/Aim
stonemasonry 4 5 St/Sta, Wi/In
swimming 2 9 St/Sta
 deep diving 2 5 Dx/Ba, Co/He
tailoring 3 7 Dx/Aim, Ig/Re
teaching 2 7 Ig/Kn, Ch/Le
treeclimbing 3 6 Dx/Ba, Wi/In
tobacconist 3 8 Ig/Kn, Ch/Ap
weather sense 2 7 Wi/In
weaving 3 6 Ig/Re, Dx/Aim
 basketweaving 3 6 Ig/Re, Dx/Aim
 netmaking 3 6 Ig/Re, Dx/Aim
ancient history 3 6 Wi/In, Ig/Kn
ancient language 4 5 Ig/Kn
astrology 3 5 Wi/In, Ig/Kn
healing 4 5 Wi/In, Ch/Le
 veterinary 3 5 Wi/In
herbalism 3 6 Ig/Kn, Wi/In
law 4 5 Ig/Kn, Ch/Le
local history 2 8 Ig/Kn, Ch/Ap
meditation 3 7 Wi/Wp
oratory 2 6 Ch/Le
read/write 2 8 Ig/Kn
religion 2 6 Wi/In
 ceremony 2 5 Wi/In, Ig/Kn
spellcraft 3 7 Ig/Re
storytelling 2 7 Ch/Le
acting 2 6 Ch/Ap, Wi/In
ambush 3 6 Wi/In, Ig/Re
ancient history 3 6 Wi/In, Ig/Kn
appraising 2 8 Ig/Re, Wi/In
blind-fighting 4 N/A Wi/In, Dx/Ba
bootlicking 3 6 Ch/Le
cryptography 3 6 Ig/Re, Wi/In
disguise 4 5 Wi/In, Ch/Le
finance 3 7 Wi/In, Ig/Kn
forgery 3 5 Dx/Aim, Wi/Wp
gambling 2 5 Wi/In, Ig/Kn
gather info 2 6 Ig/Kn, Ch/Ap
gem cutting 3 6 Dx/Aim
haggling 2 8 Ch/Le
juggling 3 7 Dx/Aim
jumping 2 8 St/Mu, Dx/Ba
law 4 5 Ig/Kn, Ch/Le
local history 2 8 Ig/Kn, Ch/Ap
looting 2 7 Ig/Re, Wi/In
mimicry 3 5 Wi/In
reading lips 3 7 Ig/Kn, Wi/In
set snares 3 6 Dx/Aim, Wi/In
storytelling 2 7 Ch/Le
tightrope walk 3 5 Dx/Ba
throwing 2 8 Dx/Aim, St/Mu
trailing 3 6 Dx/Ba, Wi/In
tumbling 3 7 Dx/Ba, St/Mu
ventriloquism 4 5 Ig/Kn, Ch/Le
ambush 3 6 Ig/Re, Wi/In
animal lore 3 7 Ig/Kn, Wi/In
artillerist 2 7 Ch/Le, Ig/Re
blind-fighting 4 N/A Wi/In, Dx/Ba
camouflage 3 6 Ig/Kn, Wi/In
dirty fighting 2 7 Ig/Re
drinking 2 7 St/Sta, Co/He
duelling 2 7 Ig/Kn, Ch/Ap
gambling 2 5 Wi/In, Ig/Kn
endurance 2 3 N/A
hunting 2 7 Wi/In
intimidation 2 6 St/Mu, Ch/Ap
leadership 2 6 Ch/Le
military tactics 4 6 Ig/Re, Ch/Le
mimicry 3 5 Wi/In
mountaineering 4 7 St/Sta, Wi/Wp
quick draw 3 6 Dx/Aim
running 2 5 St/Sta, Co/Fi
set snares 4 8 Dx/Aim, Wi/In
signalling 3 5 Ig/Re, Dx/Aim
survival 3 6 Ig/Kn, Wi/Wp
torture 4 5 St/Mu, Dx/Aim
tracking 4 7 Wi/In
alchemy 5 5 Ig/Kn, Wi/In
ancient history 3 6 Wi/In, Ig/Kn
ancient language 4 5 Ig/Kn
astrology 3 5 Wi/In, Ig/Kn
astronomy 2 7 Ig/Kn
cryptography 3 6 Ig/Re, Wi/In
fantasy physics 4 5 Ig/Re, Wi/In
gem cutting 3 6 Dx/Aim
herbalism 3 6 Ig/Kn, Wi/In
hypnotism 3 5 Ig/Kn, Ch/Le
meditation 3 7 Wi/Wp
planar geography 3 5 Ig/Kn
read/write 2 8 Ig/Kn
religion 2 6 Wi/In
spellcraft 3 7 Ig/Re
 spellflash 3 5 Dx/Aim, Ig/Kn
 alternate magic 3 6 Ig/Kn
gem cutting 3 6 Dx/Aim
harness subcon. 4 7 Wi/Wp
meditation 3 7 Wi/Wp
 psychic focus 2 8 Wi/Wp
 rejuvenation 2 6 Wi/Wp
read/write 2 8 Ig/Kn
religion 2 6 Wi/In