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Shadow World:

The Art of Tim Weiser

When one first sees the art of Tim Weiser - the effortless pencil or brush strokes flowing across the paper - one marvels at the sense of ease conveyed there, as though the work was done without the birth-pangs often so obvious in the works of other artists. But the apparent casualness of the work serves to draw the viewer in, until he or she is immersed in the work, in the tale told in its bold lines and shadowy faces.

What would be perhaps typical, "mundane" fantasy in the hands of a lesser artist comes alive in Weiser's art: a bloodied barbarian swordsman standing in a marshy battlefield; a lavishly elaborate, Ian Miller-esque Gothic castle; a stilletto-armed rake ready to spring at you from the page; a medusa so disarmingly sensual, it is easy to forget the danger of looking in her eyes. All of these images leap to life, the characters' faces half-shadowed in a sinister chiaroscuro effect reminiscent of such fantasy artists as Doug Beekman.

Weiser claims that this is his first foray into fantasy art. If that is truly the case (for his work does not have the air of an amateur), then we see a very bright future for him. And Tome of Mystara is proud to present his fantasy debut.

Barbarian Warrior

Gothic Cathedral


Rake With Stiletto and Knife

See more of the fantasy art of Tim Weiser in Tome of Mystara Issue #2, coming soon!

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All artwork copyright 1999, Tim Weiser. All rights reserved. Used by permission. No original artwork by Tim Weiser may be copied, printed, transferred, sold, or used in any other way, by means electronic or traditional, without permission of the artist. Introduction copyright 1999, Tome of Mystara. All rights reserved.