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Sardjikjian Market Intelligence

by Christian Constantin

Supply and Demand Table

City Class Population Adjustments
Houriani (Gro) C 12,200 SPS -3, Fruits -2, Coffee -1, Armour and Weapons +1, Silk +2, Grain +3
Smolini (Gro) C 16,100 Animals -3, Meat -2, Wine and Mounts -1, Textiles +1, Glassware +2, Armour and Weapons +3
Akhmetia (Gro) F 5,200 Fruits and Wine -3, Meat -2, CW and Fur -1, Salt +1, Armour and Weapons +2, Glassware +3
Dolti (Gro) F 6,100 CM -3, CW -2, Fruits -1, Cloth +1, Spices +2, Oil +3
Hayebil (Kyu) D 8,300 Textiles -3, Monsters -2, Spices -1, Oil +1, Grain +2, Tea +3
Nidzhman (Kyu) F 5,400 CW -3, Furs and Textiles -2, CM -1, Grain and Wine +1, Oil +2, Glassware +3
Djukhra (Kyu) E 6,200 Monsters -3, CW -2, PM and Furs -1, Tea +1, Oil +2, Grain +3
Azkoran (Aza) C 13,700 Cloth -3, Wine -2, CM and CW -1, Meat and Animals +1, Books and Monsters +2, Salt +3
Sabirdebi (Aza) D 12,300 Furs Rare -3, Pottery -2, Wine and CW -1, Oil +1, Salt +2, Cloth +3
Nyüslyu (Aza) E 9,400 Tobacco -3, Coffee -2, SPS -1, Animals +1, Grain +2, Spices +3
Yerdimlan (Aza) F 5,000 Coffee -3, Tobacco -2, CM and Monsters -1, Salt +1, Oil +2, Grain +3
Kiteng (Sar) A 23,400 Porcelain and Textiles -3, Animals and Meat -2, Mounts -1, Books +1, CW and Pigments +2, PW +3
Duzhar (Sar) C 11,900 Glassware -3, Porcelain -2, Mounts -1, Tea +1, PM +2, Weapons and Armour +3
Zhorog (Sar) E 7,500 Animals -3, Mounts -2, Textiles -1, Wine +1, CW +2, CM +3
Nyabur (Sar) E 6,200 Grain -3, Mounts -2, Textiles -1, Tobacco +1, PM +2, Armour and Weapons +3
Tachgoun (Dou) A 26,600 Fish -3, Dye and Textiles -2, Salt -1, Meat +1, CM and PM +2, Gems and CW +3
Noumalik (Dou) D 6,800 Mounts -3, Fish -2, Salt -1, SPS +1, Weapons +1, Armour +2, CW +3
Zartakand (Dou) C 9,600 Grain -3, Fish -2, Animals and Mounts -1, Wine +1, CW +2, CM and SPS +3
Arystub (Dou) F 5,500 Oil -3, Mounts -2, Hides and Grain -1, CM and PM +1, Wine +2, Tobacco +3
Sardzha-Bazar (Dou) D 7,100 Salt -3, Oil and Textiles -2, Mounts -1, Tobacco +1, CW +2, PM +3
Ienizvan (Dvi) C 18,300 Fruits -3, Books -2, Gems -1, Armour and Weapons +1, Meat +2, Mounts +3
Aktumberyan (Dvi) E 8,700 Gems -3, PM -2, CW -1, Meat +1, Grain +2, Mounts +3
Zorgatok (Dvi) D 7,900 CM -3, Pottery -2, CW -1, Meat and Grain +1, Animals and Mounts +2, Weapons and Armour +3
Erdnidze (Che) D 11,400 Hides -3, Textiles -2, Animals and Monsters -1, Spices +1, Mounts +2, Salt +3
Ferkesk (Che) F 8,300 Monsters -3, Hides and Textiles -2, Animals -1, Oil +1, Grain +2, Salt +3
Erzmin (Hul) D 8,600 Animals and Meat -3, Pottery -2, CM -1, Weapons +1, Armour +2, Oil +3
Seyvan (Hul) C 18,200 Grain -3, Spirits -2, Meat -1, Silk +1, PW +2, PM +3
Kolköy (Hul) F 5,900 Furs -3, CW and Grain -2, Animals and Meat -1, Cloth +1, CM +2, Glassware +3
Cyrkara (Hul) D 11,700 Grain and Animals -3, Meat -2, Spirits -1, CM +1, Porcelain and Glassware +2, PM +3
Jandak (Hul) C 52,600 Grain and Weapons -3, Armour -2, Books -1, Wine and PW +1, Ivory and Monsters +2, Gems and Silk and RS +3
Daskilü (Hul) E 6,000 Grain -3, Animals -2, Cloth -1, Wine +1, Coffee +2, CM +3
Magden (Hul) B 8,200 Grain -3, Meat and Animals -2, Gems and Spices -1, Tea +1, RS +2, Oil +3
Gölayan (Hul) E 6,300 Gems -3, CW -2, Weapons -1, Grain +1, Wine and Beer +2, Oil +3
Nusayre (Hul) D 5,200 CM -3, Monsters and Spices -2, Salt and CW -1, Fish +1, Tea +2, Armour and Weapons +3
Khuur (Hul) C 22,600 Grain and Glassware -3, Cloth -2, Books -1, Wine and PW +1, Ivory and Monsters +2, Silk and RS +3
Yarmlü (Hul) F 5,500 Grain -3, Animals and Meat -2, Glassware -1, Wine +1, Salt +2, Pigments +3
Fethay (Hul) F 5,300 CW -3, Grain -2, Cloth and Animals -1, Fish +1, CM +2, Tobacco +3
Jehrom (Hul) D 14,800 Glassware -3, Cloth and Textiles -2, Mounts -1, CW +1, Salt +2, Silk and RS +3
Iskilü (Hul) E 8,200 CW -3, PW -2, Mounts and Grain -1, Weapons and CM +1, Oil +2, Armour and RS +3
Azurun (Hul) C 32,600 Grain -4, Cloth -2, Gems -1, Glassware -1, RS +3, CM +2, Salt +1, Dyes +2, Silk +1
Yenigaz (Hul) B 8,900 Fish -3, Grain -2, Gems -1, CM +1, Silk +2, RS +3
Ayskudag (Hul) B 5,600 Fish -3, Grain -2, Gems -1, CM +1, Silk +2, RS +3
Boyâzka (Hul) D 6,300 Fish -3, Glassware -2, Gems -1, Meat +1, CM +2, RS +3
Nova Svoga E 5,300 Grain -3, Meat and Furs -2, Rare Furs -1, Salt +1, Beer and Spirits +2, Weapons and Armour +3
Zagora F 9,400 CW -3, Monsters -2, Grain -1, Weapons +1, RS and Armour +2, Mounts +3
Raska C 6,700 Grain and Meat -3, Cinnabryl -2, Fish -1, Weapons +1, RS +2, Spices and Oil +3
Slagovich C 17,400 Cinnabryl -3, Fish -2, Salt and Weapons +1, CM +2, Spices and RS +3
Kladanovic D 6,100 Fish -3, Mounts -2, PM and Gems -1, CW and Grain +1, Spices and Silk +2, RS +3
Tyjaret D 5,200 Fish -3, Animals and Textile -2, Salt -1, Grain +1, RS +2, CW and Mounts +3
Angorit (Yav) E 8,100 Mounts and Ivory -3, PW and Fish -2, Gems and Spices -1, Textiles +1, Grain +2, Silk and PM +3
Kulnovo (Olg) D 7,200 Grain -3, Spirits -2, Mounts and Animals -1, CW +1, Weapons and Silk +2, Armour +3
Irdzhygrad (Olg) D 5,300 Grain -3, Animals -2, Spirits and Meat -1, CM +1, Gems +2, Spices +3
Ksars Amirzzim (Ksa) E 2,500 PM -3, Textiles -2, SPS -1, Grain +1, Wine and Dye +2, Fish +3
Miriestiu (Bul) D 15,200 Meat and Animals -3, Weapons -2, Grain and Armour -1, Spices and Books +1, Dye +2, Porcelain +3
Dishinau (Bul) E 5,400 Grain -3, Monsters -2, Cloth -1, Salt +1, Glassware +2, PM +3
Chetniu (Bul) F 8,600 Pottery -3, CM and CW -2, Textiles -1, Hides +1, Oil and Wine +2, Salt +3
Prijderel (Ant) C 11,700 Animals -3, CW and Meat -2, Textiles -1, Mounts +1, Wine +2, Spices +3
Leqan (Ant) E 9,200 CM -3, CW -2, PM and SPS -1, Grain +1, Beer and Wine +2, Weapons +3
Debredladany (Mon) D 21,500 Animals -3, Mounts and Fur -2, CW and Grain -1, Glassware +1, Spices +2, Silk +3
Pusztòk (Mon) E 5,600 Furs and CW -3, Rare Furs -2, Mounts -1, Textiles +1, Wine +2, Oil and Spices +3
Szekçarüt (Mon) D 7,200 Furs -3, CW -2, PW -1, Spices and Textiles +1, Salt +2, Oil +3
Sayr -Ulan (Sin) B 30,000 Books -2, Salt -2, Spices -3, CW +2, Fish +2, Tea +3
Karakandahar (Sin) B 10,000 Fish and SPS -3, Grain and PM -2, CW -1, Silk +1, Spice +2, Mounts +3
Jahore (Sin) D 18,000 Textiles and Silk -3, Fish -2, Gems and PM -1, Tea and Dye +1, CW +2, Mounts and PW +3
Latehar (Sin) E 6,000 Hides -3, CM and CW -2, PM and Rare Furs -1, Weapons +1, Cloth +2, Beer +3
Raneshwar (Sin) F 5,000 Animals and Textile -3, Hides -2, Monsters and PM -1, Salt +1, Grain +2, Fish +3
Mahasabad (Sin) C 13,000 Tea -3, Spices -2, CW -1, Grain and PM +1, Gems +2, SPS and Books +3
Baratpur (Sin) D 7,000 Arts -3, Salt -2, Mounts -1, Grain +1, Weapons +2, CW and Fish +3
Khamrati (Sin) D 6,000 Salt and Animals -3, Mounts -2, PM and Textile -1, Weapons +1, Grain and Fish +2, CW +3
Naral (Sin) E 10,000 Salt -3, Hides and Meat -2, Animals -1, Mounts +1, CW +2
Sambay (Sin) A 12,000 Grain -3, Spices and Silk -2, PM -1, Mounts +1, Dye +2, CW and PW +3
Sandapur D 9,000 PM -3, Gems and Spices -2, Grain -1, Mounts +1, Porcelain +2, CW and PW +3,
Jaibul D 6,000 Slaves -3, PM and Oil -2, Weapons -1, CW and Silk +1, Wine and Spices +2, Gems and Books +3
Ciudad Morales (Tor) C 6,800 CW -3, Grain and RS -2, Weapons -1, Cinnabryl +1, Porcelain and Wine +2, Spices +3
Ciudad de Leon (Tor) D 7,400 Weapons -3, Grain -2, CW and RS -1, CM and Meat +1, Pottery and Wine +2, Porcelain +3
Ciudad Quimeras (Nar) E 7,100 Grain and Meat -3, Weapons -2, Textiles -1, CW +1, CM +2, Cinnabryl +3
Puerto Morillos (Nar) D 12,300 Grain and Meat -3, Textiles -2, Weapons -3, CM +1, Cinnabryl +2, CW +3
Ciudad Real (Gar) D 11,700 Art -1, Musical Instruments -3, Grain -1, Cinnabryl +2, Books +3
Ciudad Tejillas (Alm) E 4,200 PM -2, Coffee -2, Tobacco -3, Weapons and Armour +2, Silk +3
Ciudad Matacan (Sar) D 6,600 Books -3, Grain and Meat -2, Animals -1, Arts +1, Cloth and Silk +2, Glassware +3
Smokestone City (Cim) C 11,500 Beer -3, Weapons -2, CM -2, Silk +2, CW +3, Pottery +2
Ciudad Huelca (Gua) E 6,300 Animals -3,Mount -2, Grain -2, Armour +1, Weapons +2, SPS +2
Deauvais (Ren) D 14,300 Art -2, CW -1, Meat -1, Spice +1, Salt +1
Louvines (Ren) B 65,700 Grain -1, Spice -1, Wine -2, Weapons +1, Armour +1, Books +2
Mons-en-Plecy (Ren) E 12,300 Fish -2, Cloth -1, CM +1, Dye +2
Ytres (Ren) F 5,600 Meat -2, Cloth -1, Pottery +1
Pertignac (Ren) E 9,800 Gems -2, Tools +1, Fish +1
Dunwick A 40,000 Weapons -3, Fish and Beer -2, Glassware and Armours -1, Wine +1, Meat and Spice +2, Grain +3
Leominster (Bel) C 30,300 Textiles -3, Cloth and Books -2, Grain and Weapons -1, Tea +1, Silk and Spices +2, Wine +3
Oldsbury -Upon -Blythe (Bel) D 12,300 Beer and Grain -3, CW and Hides -2, Animals -1, Wine +1, Tobacco +2, PM +3
Theeds -Upon -Blythe (Bel) B 22,400 Fish -3, SPS(Coal) and Textiles -2, Books and Tea -1, Wine +1, Dye +2, Silk +3
Tatterham (Bel) E 6,700 Textiles -3, Tea and Grain -2, Animals -1, Dye +1, Mounts +2, Wine +3
Norchester (Bel) D 7,800 SPS(Coal) -3, Armour -2, Grain and Beer -1, Fish +1, Meat +2, Gems +3
Glenswych (Bel) F 4,500 Textiles -3, Beer -2, SPS(Coal) -1, Mounts +1, Weapons and Armour +2, Fish +3
Eyf (Rob) E 25,200 Spices -3, SPS -2, CW -1, Weapons +1, Armour and Slaves +2, PM +3
Arax D 5,900 Fish and CM -3, Weapons -2, Wine and Meat -1, PM +1, Cloth +2, Oil +3
Venatis (Rob) D 11,900 Grain -3, Animals and Wine -2, Mounts and Meat -1, Tools +1, Textile +2, Slaves +3
Ogmna (Rob) F 10,100 SPS -3, Meat and Wine -2, Spices -1, Weapons and Cloth +1, Slaves +2, PM +3
Dubrax (Rob) D 5,900 Grain -3, CW and Fish -2, Spices and Furs -1, Books +1, PM +2, Pottery +3
Cernumma (Rob) F 7,300 CW and Rare Furs -3, Spices -2, Meat and Animals -1, PM +1, Glassware +2, Silk +3
Morrigamma (Rob) E 10,100 Mounts -3, Furs -2, Wine -1, Weapons +1, Cloth +2, Armour +3
Gundegard (Eus) C 25,200 RS -1, Beer -3, Fur and Spice and CW -2, Books +2, Glass +3, SPS +1
Withimer (Eus) C 7,100 Fish -3,Beer -2, Fur and CW -1, CM +1, Glass +2
Reslar (Eus) E 8,500 Meat -2, Fish -3, CW -2, CM +2, Salt +3
Breimald (Eus) D 12,300 Armour -2, Weapons -1, Mounts +2, Pottery +3
Morgald (Eus) F 5,200 Armour and Monsters -1, Weapons -2, Mounts -3, Grain and Beer +1, Fish +3
Verdegild (Eus) F 6,600 Armour +1, Mounts and Weapons +2, Cloth -3, Grain -2
Harstal (Eus) D 10,400 Beer -3, CM -2, Grain +2, Cloth +3